Issue while upgrading the GrEclipse plug-in

I upgraded my GrEclipse plug-in today to a newer version. The upgrade URL is given in this page. Since it was an upgrade, I click on Help -> Check for updates in Eclipse. Immediately I got the following error:

Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency.
  Software being installed: Groovy-Eclipse Feature 2.0.0.xx-20091211-1000-e35 ( 2.0.0.xx-20091211-1000-e35)
  Only one of the following can be installed at once:
    JDT Core patch for Groovy-Eclipse plugin 2.0.0.xx-20091017-2200-e35 (org.codehaus.groovy.jdt.patch.feature.jar 2.0.0.xx-20091017-2200-e35)
    JDT Core patch for Groovy-Eclipse plugin 2.0.0.xx-20091211-1000-e35 (org.codehaus.groovy.jdt.patch.feature.jar 2.0.0.xx-20091211-1000-e35)
... and a lot more ...
To recover from the error, I just uninstalled the version of JDT that was conflicting. To do this, click on Help -> Install New Software and click on the "What is already installed?" link at the bottom of the dialog. You can easily locate the old JDT and uninstall it.


Andrew Eisenberg said…

There was a problem with M1 in that if you installed it with the wrong options, you could not do a "Check for updates", This has been fixed in M2, but you must uninstall first. See the FAQ:

Also, there is an Eclipse bug open for it:
Snarkiest said…
Hi nice reaading your blog

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