I wanted to understand how the availability is calculated for systems. I came across an excellent article and found it very useful. You can read it from here.
Recently one of the applications that I developed started throwing exceptions, that had the following message: SQL state [72000]; error code [1013]; ORA-03111: break received on communication channel When I googled around, I couldn't come across anything useful. Sadly enough most of the sites just showed the documentation for that error, without any explanation from anyone experiencing that issues. So here you go, with the best possible explanation that I could come up with. My application sets two things on the connection that is throwing this exception: It sets the fetchSize to be 2500 rows It sets the query timeout to be 10 seconds The database server and the application are separated over a long latency network (actually there is a NetEm box that emulates the long latency between these two boxes) which has a latency characteristic of 50+/-5 milliseconds. This is the whole setup. It is important to understand how the timeout is handled by the Oracle client (in my case JDBC clien
I ran into what I thought as an issue while I was using the sequence ID generation strategy in JPA. The JPA provider I am using is Hibernate. I think sharing my experience will save someone some time. To use a sequence (For e.g. Oracle sequence) to generate values and assign them to the ID field of your persistence object, you will following something like this: @Id @Column(name = "ITEM_ID") @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator="ItemIdSeqGenerator") @SequenceGenerator(name="ItemIdSeqGenerator", sequenceName="ITEM_ID_SEQ", allocationSize=1) private long itemId; This means the following things: The @Id annotation says that the field itemId is a primary key. The @Column annotation says that the corresponding column in the database is ITEM_ID. The @GeneratedValue says that the value that needs to be populated in the itemId should be generated, while that object is persisted. The strategy to generate the value is to
Remember that the Calendar's internal fields include year, month, date, hour, minutes, seconds, milliseconds and time zone. Whenever you are calling a set() method with multiple fields, like set(year, month, date), it will not affect the rest of the fields. Remember that there is no set() method with multiple fields available to set the milliseconds. If you would like to set the milliseconds, you must use set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, value). Likewise, if you are planning to set all the fields, its a good idea to reset all the fields using clear() method. This will clear milliseconds as well. Most of the times, millisecond field may not be of interest to you. But if you are going to use the UTC milliseconds, by calling getTimeInMillis(), then make sure you set the right values for milliseconds as well.