Logging three or more arguments in slf4j
I use slf4j for logging purposes. All the logging methods (Logger.info, Logger.debug, etc.) provide an efficient way of passing one or two argument objects. For e.g. logger.info("The response from server is [{}]", serverResp); logger.debug("Key [{}], Value [{}].", key, value); But if you want to pass three or more arguments you have to create an object array yourself and pass. Like this: logger.info("Status [{}], message [{}], time taken [{} ms].", new Object[]{status, msg, timeTaken}); Doing a new everywhere in the code doesn't seem like an elegant way of doing it. I was thinking about a cool way of doing it, and this is what I came up with. Here is a utility method that makes use of varargs: public static Object[] toObjArr(Object... args) { return args; } In the code we can use this utility function like this. import static com.mydomain.Utils.toObjArr; ... logger.info("Status [{}], message [{}], time taken [{} ms].", toOb...