
Showing posts from May, 2010

Intercepting method calls of @WebService annotated classes

I ran into this issue recently and I thought sharing this with everyone will help in saving some time. I am making use of Metro + Spring for my web service implementation. I have a requirement that I should intercept all the calls in the web service implementation (the class that has is annotated with @WebService) and log the time taken to execute each call. So I created the following AOP advice: @Aspect public class WebServiceMethodsAspect {     @Around("execution(* com.mydomain.service.*Impl.*(..)) && args(request)")            public Object interceptWebServiceCall(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp,             Object request) throws Throwable {         ....     } } Once created the aspect I enabled the annotation based aspects using the following tag in my applicationContext.xml file: <aop:aspectj-autoproxy/> < bean id="webServiceMethodsAspect" class="com.mydomain.aspects.WebServiceMethodsAspect"/> I was expecting everything